Founders Story

  • When was Healing Within created - 2003

  • Why was it created - To provide colon hydrotherapy to help those who are suffering

  • What problem is Healing Within trying to solve - Offer solutions to those suffering from emotional or physical issues

  • How many people does the organization have so far - 14+

  • Who started Healing Within - Kristin Burich in 2003

  • What is the direction Healing Within is going - We are continually trying to grow in a way that follows our passion in areas that create a safety net for people around us and ourselves

  • Who is the team that supported the organization along the way - Kristin has always been the visionary in this endeavor and a number of people have contributed to help form what Healing Within is today. Each person that worked here contributed to the knowledge and understanding we have today about health and how energy works. Louise has been part of this process for a long time and has helped with many insights and a tremendous amount of love and passion for what we are doing. Donna and Jade have also been at the office helping and believing in what we are doing to make a difference in the world.  For the last  3 years Dr. Hermen has brought more passion and drive to the office and has helped bring what we are doing to a new level. In the last year and a half, Melissa joined our team with passion for learning and growing in understanding as well and has been a great addition. We are fortunate to continue to add those who want to be part of this Team and vision.

Kristin Burich - I was born in Lae, Papua New Guinea to parents who were missionaries. 

My mom was a nurse and helped save my life a number of times while in New Guinea as well as many other peoples lives. My father helped create a lumber mill and helped assist the community there in many other capacities. I learned from my parents that you as an individual could make a difference in the world. My dad has always been a visionary and my mother was a very practical and loving person and they were both hard workers and were capable people. I learned about establishing community were every you live. They have both been loved and respected were ever they resided. 

I was born on the very day Martin Luther King gave his “I had a dream” speech August 28th, 1963. 

I feel I have come to this earth to help make that dream a reality.

We moved from Papua New Guinea when I was 12 and ended up in Mott, North Dakota where I graduated from High School.

I graduated from college from Jamestown College in North Dakota with a computer major and bio, chem math minors. I moved to the Twin Cities to work at UNISYS as a computer programmer.

Around the time I was to be married to my wonderful husband Robert, my younger sister Debra was kidnapped and put into prostitution. Our family trusted the world and the people in the world and knew there was evil out there but did not understand what it looked like. This was a big heartache and revelation to us all. She was found and returned but her life was never the same and neither were we. Each member of my family has taken this to heart and has been driven to make an impact in our society to help push back the evil and search for ways to assist in healing ourselves and those around us.

I have 3 amazing children and I stayed home with them until my youngest went into 1st grade.

My youngest Monica ended up with soars on her neck that I could not figure out how to heal. I began to look for answers to this issue and ended up at a naturopaths office doing an electoral dermal screening session. This showed that she was allergic to wheat, milk and certain citrus foods and she ended up with leaky gut issues. The allergens were irritating the gut wall creating openings for toxins to gut through. These made their way to the liver and the liver could not keep up with them and tried to push them out of the skin creating the wound in her neck.  We did homeopathic remedies and changed her diet and in 3 months the wound had healed.

With all my education I realized I knew very little about the gut and how it really worked.

Around this time, I said a prayer to God saying that he had so much power and there were so many people hurting and I wanted to assist in helping to heal those suffering around me. I wanted to understand how to do that.

My older sister Paula learned about a Chiropractor named Dr. Michael Pierce. She invited him to her house for classes to educate those who wanted to know about our bodies and how they worked. This felt an answer to my prayer. These classes really opened my eyes to what was really going on in our digestive tract and the body. During those classes he mentioned that someone needed to go into colonics and I would feel this tap on my shoulder and my sister and friends encouraged my to follow this divine guidance. I had no idea what this entailed but started my search.

In this search I was led to work with Cathy Shea to train for Colon hydrotherapy in 2002 and in the process meet people who did energy healing. I learned how to muscle test and started my own inquiry, asking my soul what was true and what were lies in the whole area of energy and other areas of my life including religion and what I was taught to believe. 

I officially became Healing Within Colon Hydrotherapy INC in March 2003 and started my own road to healing and more understanding about energy healing. I had my colonic room in the Harmony Chiropractic office.  In 2004 I had a client that came in and showed me the chi machine and its benefits so I purchased the sound table and chi machine to add to my therapies because I understood the benefits it offered.